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Time Between Us
Tamara Ireland Stone

Dante's Girl (The Paradise Diaries, #1)

Dante's Girl (The Paradise Diaries, #1) - Courtney Cole No rating.I don't think it fair I "rate" this book. Let me first say, I read quite a few books classified as YA and rarely have a problem identifying because they are "too young". So, I'm very sad to say but this one is just a bit too young for me to enjoy. The book blurb appealed and I thought it would be a fun read. Oh, well...I'll try to provide an example or a bit of an explanation. The pair meet in an airport during a long flight delay. Each is flying with airline supervision without an adult. Okay ... STOP! I just can't identify with this at all. Most teen's I know who travel and do it without an adult, don't do it with airline supervision. Lost me right away and I just couldn't get past it. I mean you have an adult help you until you are about 14, after that, you really don't need someone to assist. It isn't like a bus terminal. You have security, so nothing can really happen and then if needed, you have flight attendants or other airline and security personnel. This book lost me right away. My situational logic "clicked" in and I just couldn't go further.So, I would definitely say, this is a "true" YA book. My opinion only. Adults may not appreciate.I want to gratefully thank the publisher Lakehouse Press, the author Courtney Cole and Netgalley for the opportunity to experience this book.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ARC on 08/23/2012.