09/04/2013 --Overall Rating = 2.5 StarsBook Cover / Book Blurb / Book Title = 3 / 3 / 5 = 3.5 StarsWriter’s Voice = 3 StarsCharacter Development = 3 StarsStory Appreciation = 3.5 StarsWorth the Chili = 1 Star -- [$2.99 on Amazon for a debut Indie book!]I liked this book, but there were issues. Let me tell you what I liked first:1 -- This is a debut book by this author [this will come again later]. For a debut book, it was okay. There really was nothing unique here, but what we did have was an enjoyable few hours. There weren't huge editing issues and we all know that's a plus. Saying this, I'll also stress again, there was nothing unique. You could choose not to read it and not miss much.2 -- The characters were fairly well developed. A few things didn't add up, but they didn't annoy me. This is one of my personal pet peeves -- does the story make sense and once developed, do the characters act in character. For this component, I give it 3 Stars. Just okay.3 -- I loved the title of this book. It intrigued me and once I read the book, it made total sense.Okay, now for those items I wasn't crazy about:1 -- This is a debut Indie author. I think the price point is high. I used my Prime membership and got this on loan for August. I wouldn't pay $3 unless others told me there was something I was missing by not reading this. Let me say it again, if you choose not to read this book, you won't miss anything you haven't read before -- probably better.I think this is a case of putting either a motorcycle on the cover or in the blurb and watching them swarm. So, you have been WARNED!!**spoiler alert**2 -- Brenna loves her Dad. She loved people in the Ace's MC. Then, she just walked away. Without a backwards glance, she just walked away. This does not make sense to me. The author didn't do a good job with this one.3 -- Brenna was beaten severely by her husband and leave him. She runs to Dad and finds Dragon again. Dragon and she have a misunderstanding and he backhands her. She is fine with this. This so does not jive with my concept of a healthy relationship. No reason. None. I. DO. NOT. LIKE. HOW. THIS. AUTHOR. HANDLES. THIS. Not at all. Ladies! It is not okay for a man to hit you -- EVER!! NEVER!!4 -- No condoms. This guy is a whore-dog. Nope! Again. Ladies! Protect yourselves. Condoms. EVERY. Time.There are probably a few other things I could note, but won't. I did like the story, but, it is just okay.Happy Reading!