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Books are like Air ...

Without books, life would be sooo... boring. Don't you think?


I'm a moody reader. I know what I like and love to share what I think about what I read.


It really is just that simple.

Currently reading

Time Between Us
Tamara Ireland Stone

Falling for a Bentley

Falling for a Bentley - Adriana Law 07/05/2013 --Overall Rating = 1 StarBook Cover / Book Blurb = 5 / 3 = 4 StarsWriter’s Voice = 1 StarsCharacter Development = 2 StarsStory Appreciation = 1 StarsWorth the Chili = 5 Stars [$Free for me on Amazon]Cover love can get me into so much trouble. This is an example. Thank God it was free. I think the author was going for a YA/NA Inspirational element that just came off wonky to me. Definitely not my cuppa'.A strange one you may like. I certainly didn't -- at all.