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Fueled (The Driven Trilogy, #2)

Fueled (The Driven Trilogy, #2) - K. Bromberg 09/16/2013 --Overall Rating = 4.5 StarsBook Cover / Book Blurb / Book Title = 4 / 4 / 2 = 3 StarsWriter’s Voice = 4 StarsCharacter Development = 5 StarsStory Appreciation = 5 StarsWorth the Chili = 5 Stars -- [$2.99 on Amazon]I really connected with this book. I DEVOURED it! It grabbed me from the first moment, first word and didn't let me go until ... well, it still has me ... d a m n e d cliffhanging ending. BIG TIME!This is book 2 of a series. You really should read book 1 first to get the full reading experience. Book 1 was just okay for me. Book 2 took my breath away. I loved Colton. I liked Rylee. I ADORED them together.What made this book so perfect for me?1 -- The way it made me feel. The way it made me think. Colton was a verifiable mess. He had baggage enough to fill a 747. Don't believe me? He'll tell you so himself. He connected with Ryles. In a believable way. None of that mushy first glance crap. The developing relationship between these two is realistically messed up. They had me trying to reach through my Kindle to give them advice. Rylee -- I don't care how pretty he is, dump his ass. Colton, get over it already. Unfortunately, we know it isn't that easy. Colton gives us a glimpse into how some of these abused kids survive. For Colton and Rylee, I'd like to think that eventually they figure it out, but we have our beautiful cliffhanger, so we need to wait to see.2 -- I don't know what happened between book 1 and 2, but the author greatly improved. To be fair, I noted this after about 50% of book 1. She seemed to calm down and focus. I don't even detect a bump in book 2. She seriously has come writing chops. I'm very glad she got it all worked out. This is not just another one of those NA reads. It doesn't have the choppy dialogue and the lack of contextual flow. It really is very well constructed. There are items introduced in this book that I'll be looking for in book 3. If not there, I may re-evaluate my statement, but right now, I'd pretty satisfied with the authors ability.3 -- The whole racing car theme. It didn't play a huge role, however the business of racing and the hoopla surrounding those attractive racers was front and center. I think the author did a decent job with this and I thoroughly enjoyed it.4 -- The price is perfect.There were things I didn't find so enjoyable:1 -- The damned ending. I hate reading a series not complete, but with this one, I jumped in with both feet. It just sounded good and I wanted something sports to read. So, I did. If you don't just need something to read, I'd wait until the last in the series is out. I hated the ending.2 -- Not crazy about the title. There were so many things she could have named this book. I know why she did, but really think something else would have worked as well or better.3 -- The blurb doesn't do this book justice. You think it's going to be just "another one of those NA books", but it really isn't. Or, at least I didn't think so.4 -- You really should read book 1 first and I didn't think it was so great. It got better after about 50%, just so you know.I've put this one on my favorites list I liked it so well. It isn't a 5 star read, but pretty damned close. One I know I'll read again. I really enjoyed this one. It had my emotions engaged from the first word on the first page. Now, I have to wait. And wait. And wait. Usually when my patience is employed [and I have only a very teensy tiny amount ...] happens, the books' rating suffers. A shame that.Happy Reading!!