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Time Between Us
Tamara Ireland Stone

No Regrets (Delta Force Trilogy Series #1)

No Regrets - Shannon K. Butcher 4.5 Stars.I really liked this book and it is interesting how I found it... It came up a few times on my GR recommendation and so I go to B&N to check the price and it was $7.99 or more, so I marked it to read and then thought to wait until I heard more about it or it came down in price. It came down in price and I needed a good book, so TOP of the TBR pile [kudo's to the marketing ploy - worked on me!!].I really loved David. And, Noelle seemed like a friend. We all have those quirky friends we see as really attractive and smart, but they really don't see themselves the same way nor does it matter terribly to them... and are really wrapped up in work or school - this was Noelle. She seemed very familiar to me which made the story all the more enjoyable. I really liked her moxie.I read the "thanks to" portion of the book -- I usually do this to see who the author thanks; friends, spouses, dogs/cats, kids, friends, etc. It tells you a bit about them and sometimes they can be rather humorous. Jim Butcher... I have never read Jim Butcher, but have him on my TBR pile as an author to try [before hearing about Shannon]. Everything I read about his books are very good, but I have to be "in the mood" to read his manner of story. I thought, his wife Shannon ... has to be good - right? And, I really needed a good book [think I said this already].So, loved the characters [David & Noelle]; loved their back stories - just enough. Plus, the intro of the secondary characters and their stories; Caleb and Grant. I liked the premise of the story -- very believable and you have to imagine a "could happen". She tied up lose ends I'd note thoughout the book very nicely - like making salad for dinner when you they were on the run, then later a few pages it mentions stopping buy a superstore to replenish necessary clothes and food stuffs -- so, I'm good and back on track. The only think a little uggy to me was no mention of bathing, but rather cleaning up - for weeks, I noted it, but then moved past.Well, the marketing ploy worked on me -- I loved the story so much I went out and bought the next two in the series and paid full price. Really enjoyable romantic suspense with a bit of a military twist.Happy Reading!!