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Time Between Us
Tamara Ireland Stone


Dusty - YellowBella,  TeamBella23,  YellowGlue 08/27/2013 –-Overall Rating = 5 Stars I wish the GR system allowed for more!!Book Cover / Book Blurb / Book Title = 5 / 3 / 5 = 5 StarsWriter’s Voice = ∞ Stars .P * E * R * F * E *C * TA* N * DA * M * A * Z * I * N * GI don’t know who YellowBella is, or rather who they are, but they have the most wonderful, most poetic, most profoundly touching and disturbing way with words. Like they reinvented the human language. I could read them forever -- simply the very best I’ve ever read. This story was over 1000 pages and I was enthralled. I couldn’t put it down and when I did, I couldn’t get back fast enough. I loved these people. I ached for them. I cried for them. I wanted to help them. From the bottom of my heart I wanted to tell them how this should end. I’ve lived some of this and the pain they capture is spot on. It can happen. Believe it. If I were to offer any negative comment, it would be the age of Edward and Bella when this story started and ended. But, as you get into it, you understand, only through complete innocence could this story take place. It requires it to work. It is the absolute root of this story. Their innocence is a character within this story. In the end, there is a total loss of innocence; for the characters and for the reader.For me, the very best thing about this story is the truth. It isn’t pretty. It is raw and exciting, it is devastating and painful. It is real and naïve. This is a very real picture of how far you can fall. How much you can love and be loved. How painful love can be. How much you are willing to sacrifice for this other half of your soul. ESPECIALLY when you know nothing else. You’ve lost your innocence loving this person. Your heart can’t beat without him. Without her. These authors tell the truth and give you great characters and absolute perfection in prose to drowned in. As vicious as the thickest sunshine.Hope is my last thought on this one. They left me with hope. I can write my own ending for these two. So, for me, they will always be together and will grow their love to the sun, stars, moon and back.Personal Note: Anyone who has never suffered a drug addiction or has never loved someone who has a drug addiction may read this story and find it impossible; unbelievable. It isn’t. It happens just as it did for Dusty. I call it arrogance. IT is something that happened once. IT happens again because you escaped the first time and IT was fun and dangerous. Then, IT becomes something you can do on a weekend, then every weekend for a month and then … IT GOT YOU. This MONSTER has you in ITs’ TEETH and won’t turn you lose. To get lose you have to bargain and bribe with IT. You may just crawl your way away from IT. Maybe … or not. God help you. That poor, poor boy.I want to read this again, but need time for my emotions to recover. This is a story I was very happy, grateful, I got to experience. Stories like these are why this website is KILLER! Without you, I would have never known; all my GR friends.Happy Reading!