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Without books, life would be sooo... boring. Don't you think?


I'm a moody reader. I know what I like and love to share what I think about what I read.


It really is just that simple.

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Time Between Us
Tamara Ireland Stone
Heller - J.D. Nixon Okay, this is still on my TBR pile, but I turned Hope onto it and she DEVOURED the whole series, one right after the other. Hope reads at the speed of light and like me, has the attention span of a gnat. So, seeing her read the whole series, stay with it and thoroughly enjoy it is saying something.It was one of those books that popped up on the Kristen Ashley string ... if you like KA, here are a few others you may also like.10/15/2012 Hope's full review posted on: http://www.2GeekGirlsReviewBooks.comOverall Rating = 3Book Cover / Book Blurb =1/4 = 2.5 StarsWriter’s Voice = 3 StarsCharacter Development = 3 StarsStory Appreciation = 3 StarsWorth the Chili = 5 Stars(freebie on Amazon)The setting is Australia and Hope says they are very addicting.Enjoy!